The video of announcing the first certified space and satellite technology school
Subject: Join our Space Technology School Program & get financial and educational benefits to your school.
Dear School Director / Head Master / Head Mistress / Principal / Chancellor,
The aim of this email is to show you the financial and educational benefits (in addition to positive reputation) that will be gained by your school and students when joining the “K12 Space & Satellite Technology Educational Program” offered to schools from all over the world. This program is dedicated to the age 10 to 17 years old to let them prepare for their future career in both Space & Geospatial Technology. It is offered by the K12 Space Science & Satellites Academy website ( The following paragraphs introduce you to [Benefits to Students – Benefits to Schools – How to become a Certified Space Technology School and gain these benefits – Finally, Who are we?].
For more information about the K12 Space Science & Satellites Academy visit the website or download our PDF broshure.
First, Benefits to Students:
- Early preparation for future career in Space Technology and several promising space jobs currently available on Space Career websites recommended by us.
- Benefit from a part of their activity time / free time / or holiday time in learning one of the 21st Century skills and technologies.
- Enable them to start preparing their CV right now, and enrich it with Space related courses and certificates, through studying one or all of the following courses:
- Certified Junior Astronaut.
- Certified Junior Satellite Image Analyst & Interpreter.
- Certified Junior Satellite Image Processing & Remote Sensing Specialist (Level1: Theoretical – Level2: Practical)
- The courses are delivered as recorded video tutorials through and each course can be studied in 8 to 10 days and has an online exam monitored and corrected by us, in addition to a digital certificate verified by QR code.
- Enable students to understand the qualifications needed by the space jobs’ market published in Space Career websites, plan their future advanced studies, then select the most appropriate college degree to enhance their CV and become qualified to apply in these jobs in international organizations.
Second, Benefits to Schools:
- Being recognized among other schools as a pioneer in offering one of the 21st Century skills and technologies.
- Receiving our “Certified Space Technology School” Certificate, and being advertised by us as a space school in our K12 Space Academy website and our global geospatial education website (The Remote Sensing Portal).
- Gaining additional opportunities for the school to appear in search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, and others through our listing and having a full page for your school in our previously mentioned educational websites in addition to our official social media pages.
- Optional possibility upon request, to convert the computer or IT labs in schools to become a Space Technology Lab in addition to IT.
- Adding a financial margin/profit for schools, by getting extremely discounted prices from us offered only for schools. Our discounted prices will be $20/student for any single course, $40/student for any two courses, or $60/student for all our 4 courses, associated with an exceptional course duration of 6 months (instead of only 20 days/course).
- Certificates offered to students or schools have Hexagon Geospatial’s logo, where Hexagon is the world leader company in Satellite Image Processing Software and Geospatial Technology, and we are proud to be their “Developing Education Partner”.
- Gaining a positive global reputation and competency among other schools due to the previously mentioned benefits.
- There is no heavy burden on schools, since the study is entirely online, and can be made from home, with no effort from the school’s teachers. However, there is an optional Possibility to qualify some school teachers to become “certified trainers” in Space Technology with a special price of $200 per trainer per 2 courses, in order to teach our courses in classes by themselves or to offer support to students if needed.
Third, Steps to become a Certified Space Technology School and benefit from our school program:
- Reply to this email ( by a request to enroll in our K12 Space Technology School Program, and let us know the school name and address (& website if exist).
- We will send you an email with our detailed very simple steps to join our program.
- The cost will be based on the count of students (20 students minimum) in addition to the count of courses selected, according to the prices mentioned above. For example, 20 students enrolling in any single course = 20 students x $20 = $400, or in case of enrolling 20 students in all our 4 courses = 20 students x $60 = $1200.
Fourth, who are we? Brilliant Remote Sensing Labs “BRS-Labs” is a Global Online Education Developer and Provider. It is the first company worldwide that established an online educational portal specialized in Earth Observation and Satellite Image Processing that provides education, testing, and certification with trainees from 114 countries. It is titled, the Remote Sensing Portal. We also developed other Global educational portals such as the K12 Space Science & Satellites Academy, in addition to EgSA Space Technology Portal requested from us by the Egyptian Space Agency.
BRS-Labs is a Winner of three Global Education and Scientific Reputation Management Awards, which are: [“Education Extravaganza 2021 Contest Winner” - “Leading Expert in Remote Sensing & Satellite Image Processing 2020 Award for Excellence in Global Geospatial Education” - “Leading Expert in Global Scientific Reputation Management 2021”].
Finally, we are looking forward to receiving your reply at the email below.
Best Regards,
K12 Space Science and Satellite Academy website team,
One of the educational portals of Brilliant Remote Sensing Labs Company.
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